This was shot on colour reversal film in April 2008 in Shinjuku Gyoen.
The image had a colour cast that I really didn't like and had proved difficult to tweak at the time. Six years later and thing's have advanced to a point where one can fix these types of issues. Lightroom seems to have outstripped photoshop for ease of colour adjustments finally.
Drunken Return
Shot three years ago on Shinjuku station. Contax 645.
Keep walking
Another medium format Kabukicho shot. This one with the Contax 645 and Fuji Provia 400x.
The Chair series
Took the same train to work for two years and started to notice the different thing's people did while seated in a chair that seemed to be quite out of the way of any trains. What I like about the collect is the randomly different thing's most people are doing at any one time. The series has only been edited to keep the basic format the same (seems I shot more using 35mm than asselblad 120).
Blind man
Blind man – Koenji
This is almost the depth of field that I feel can give an image a movie like atmosphere. There is this sweet spot with different lenses used and finding that sweet spot (the distance between the subject, the camera and the f stop) is always that challenge. Especially when you have no control over the subject. In the previous post I speak about colour pallettes. While this shot is lacking what goes a way to helping is the film used to achieve or at least shift the temperature of the shot. Is this shot feeling warm or cool to you?
Public housing
So around Tokyo you can find these public housing projects. Some of these are new and some are quite old. I've tried to say out of these out of respect to the people who live here but the up the road from me proved too tempting. Seems that most of the people are out growing their spaces.
The old house is no more
An old man around the corner from me used to live in this house. I took this shot right next to his house and this one right outside. Actually while I was taking that shot the old guy came out and at first wondered what the hell I was doing outside his front gate but he soon figured it out, gave me a big smile and road off down the street. A few months back I was walking passed, hoping there were more plants to shoot and discovered his bike missing and some of the plants he once had outside gone. I have no idea if he died or just moved but I knew that the house would vanish quickly. This photo and a few others I took will be all that remain of what once used to be here. It's now an empty lot, waiting for some large corporation to buy it, split it in three and sell each one for a million dollars. Just one of the idiosyncrasies of  Tokyo life.
And the world just stops for a moment
Random street portrait
Asked this guy if I could take his picture. Still like the contax lenses even if it is non square. Shame I can use the lenses on anything else.
Afternoon storm
Late afternoon down the street.
Harajuku reflections
A different way to see Harajuku.
Make me up
The 14 to 35 crowd seems to do it a lot but the over 50's? Nice to know the subway is stable enough for her to take care of fine details without getting battered around by the moving car.
Tokyo streets and stations
Random collection of old shots from around Shinjuku and a few stations.
Public housing
Journey to the other side
As so this is about where I am at the moment. The end of something and the beginning of something else. Here is hoping your journey from one thing to the next is an enriching one.
Crossing Kabukicho
This shot is one I dug up from the archives again. To be featured in the upcoming update of the 50mm web site which hopefully should launch before the end of the year.
See his genius at work here -> UchujinWhile I was in the film archives the other day I found a few shots I forgot to scan. A case that so often happens to me "ah, not bad, I'll do that one last". As usual, I forget or run out of time. Figured it would be nice to add to the rest of the shots considering everyone else got a look-in a while back on the blog.
wasting film
Too busy to go out and make an effort to shoot anything.
I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun
Connections to title...
This created by Peter Saville reminded me of this (wrong song for cover art...still...) which is where I stole the title from.
Shibuya girls
Girls hanging out in Shibuya