This was seconds before a massive storm. Towards the bottom of the frame there was a flock of crows that seems to be gathering as the storm brew. I exposed for the sky which is why the buildings are so dark. The last shot of the day before the sky opened up and hell broke loose.
On the hill
I have been uninspired lately to post anything of Tokyo. I am wanting to do a series but have too many other half completed series' on the go I cannot muster the energy to start another one. 13 rolls of film yet undeveloped and many rolls unscanned and forgotten. Every photo chosen is a photo unfinished which is probably why I have so many pictures and post so few. That, and I can never decide if I like some shots or not. Or maybe I should accept that I have run out of good shots and should stop trying to feed the blog and get on and make new ones. This is a shot taken mid 2006 in Australia where I first visited Tea Gardens. On the way if you look carefully you can find this tree on a hill. I have visited the site a few times and shot it with the Hasselblad . One of the many forgotten images made. maybe the past is worth revisiting? Even if it's just for a short time.
Ray of hope
This is the 2nd shot I took from the same time and location as Apocalypse. I don't think its nearly as good but figured I'd post it all the same.
Afternoon storm
Late afternoon down the street.