Red night
Another take on the previous version of the image with a different colour pallette. Which do you prefer?
Blind man
Blind man – Koenji
This is almost the depth of field that I feel can give an image a movie like atmosphere. There is this sweet spot with different lenses used and finding that sweet spot (the distance between the subject, the camera and the f stop) is always that challenge. Especially when you have no control over the subject. In the previous post I speak about colour pallettes. While this shot is lacking what goes a way to helping is the film used to achieve or at least shift the temperature of the shot. Is this shot feeling warm or cool to you?
Scene from a film
The difficult part about these shots is the colour pallette. I don't particularly like the pallette in this shot but you need to start with something and finding a minimal pallette on the street is not an easy task let alone hoping the right subject matter will enter the frame with the right attitude. I'm interested to know if anyone who reads / looks at this blog considers such thing's.
Opening of scene 4
Shinjuku station, about 12am. Rain is starting to fall and he's...
Shibuya Investigation
Another scene from a different film
Like a scene from a film
This has to be my favorite photo from my archive. I have never found the same light or scene since.This picture was also published in 2008 in SonntagsZeitung (Swiss Sunday Times) in an article about flickr.