Finally did a little purposeful shooting the other day.
From the old website. This place is amazing. I'd like to go back near winter and shoot it again. Actually the whole area is pretty interesting.
Bar code
Unusual is Shibuya’s normal.
Don’t go...
Shinjuku Station
email check
Shinjuku Station
One of my first pictures with the Leica M10 and the Super Elmar 21mm f/3.4.
Adventures of Mountain Man and Pale Rider
Outing with Mr. Ellis late last year. A drive to Izu via almost the opposite side of the world thanks to a Google maps bug. Must have been a gale force 9 out there the day we went. The wind really accentuated the whole mountain man look Jon was sporting. Made it all the way down to a little place called Heda where we stopped at the only restaurant open in town.
A place I'm going to visit again once the roads are less icy.
If you happen to be around the Okutama area and are looking for a very quiet and out of the way place to have a BBQ or a spot of lunch (provided you have brought your own) I recommend visiting the Otaba area. The river is also perfect in thew summer for swimming.
Note that you'll likely only be able to reach it by bike or car.
Aircraft Typography
Yokota airbase at the open day.
The little road
I'm sure this little series I've just made will appear in B+W but for the moment I'm releasing maybe a single colour image.
Venturing to the mountains again I happened upon a little road I did not know existed. Followed it quite a way before the rain caused me to turn back (that's what happens when you carry three cameras and no umbrella on your journey :-)
I will be visiting this area again but hopefully next time it will be by bike and I will see where the rest of it leads.
The weather, if you have not guessed by the picture was wet and foggy with the whole mountain covered in cloud. At points you couldn't see beyond 15 feet in front of you (that's 4.5 metres for the modern world).
I also shot Holga and Horizon Perfekt. Will be interesting to see how the film turns out.
As usual click the image for a larger version.
Misty mountain riding with my friend Aaron on a Thursday. Perfect day for it with no one else around. Iphone 5 and VSCO cam seem to do a pretty good job.
Route 71 square
Just off Route 71
A shot off route 71 near Mt. Fuji. This one shot with a VERY old Agfa B+W 25 asa film. The film is so old that the printing from the paper back on the film has made a permanent mark. The negs are pretty dark but I quite like the result. It seems like an effect you'd get playing with photoshop for an hour or so but it's straight off the neg.
Route 71
A little trip along route 71. Need to go back there when I have a whole day.
More of the neighbourhood
More adventures with the Holga.
There is a block of public apartments near where I live that runs about 8 or 9 stories high. Access to the stairs leading to the top floor is open so I took a visit on a mid Sunday afternoon conveniently missing the sign (I discovered on another day) that said no trespassing or the police will be called. Thank god I didn’t get caught.)
Having now been up their and shot a role or two I’m keen to access a place with the same kind of view with the same hight and a lot less risk.
Tokyo is a lot more interesting when you can see beyond your own nose.
Shot using expired Chinese 100ASA film which helps produce the really spotting images.
Fuji through the grass
View of Mt. Fuji from Kawaguchiko lake.
Iwate coast
I shot I forgot to upload from my Iwate trip. This time in colour. The coast of Japan is a fascinating place.
A little of me
A little view of me.
Shooting Chinese 100 asa expired film around the neighbourhood.