Another medium format Kabukicho shot. This one with the Contax 645 and Fuji Provia 400x.
Blind man
Blind man – Koenji
This is almost the depth of field that I feel can give an image a movie like atmosphere. There is this sweet spot with different lenses used and finding that sweet spot (the distance between the subject, the camera and the f stop) is always that challenge. Especially when you have no control over the subject. In the previous post I speak about colour pallettes. While this shot is lacking what goes a way to helping is the film used to achieve or at least shift the temperature of the shot. Is this shot feeling warm or cool to you?
Public housing
So around Tokyo you can find these public housing projects. Some of these are new and some are quite old. I've tried to say out of these out of respect to the people who live here but the up the road from me proved too tempting. Seems that most of the people are out growing their spaces.
Random street portrait
Asked this guy if I could take his picture. Still like the contax lenses even if it is non square. Shame I can use the lenses on anything else.
Harajuku reflections
A different way to see Harajuku.
Make me up
The 14 to 35 crowd seems to do it a lot but the over 50's? Nice to know the subway is stable enough for her to take care of fine details without getting battered around by the moving car.