From the old website. This place is amazing. I'd like to go back near winter and shoot it again. Actually the whole area is pretty interesting.
Iwate coast
I shot I forgot to upload from my Iwate trip. This time in colour. The coast of Japan is a fascinating place.
Izu Peninsula Part 4
Suruga bay
Suruga bay. A place I'd like to explore more of. Actually the whole Izu peninsula is pretty interesting from a visual point of view. I've not yet been to the mountains but did have to drive through some to get home. Even that journey looks like a great bike ride. More to be explored.
Izu Peninsula Part 3
Shimoda at 4am
Izu Peninsula Part 2
Sunrise at Shimoda
As usual, in the summer there are only two good times of the day. Very early morning and late afternoon. Everything in between is uninteresting. Shot at 4am.
Izu Peninsula Part 1
In June I took a short trip to Izu. Stayed over night in Shimoda. Went by car. It was only short, just two days in total but was great chance to investigate some of the south coast. I'll be going back for sure when the weather is a little cooler and atmospheric.
As an aside it looks like a brilliant place to ride a bike. I could be up for a riding trip around the coast as well.
Trip to Atami (熱海市)
A recent trip to Atami. I'll be going back for sure. Actually the trip along the coast looks more interesting than the destination.Once my bike is fixed (hit by a car 2 weeks ago) I should jump on a train in the morning and spend the day riding around the coast road to check locations.
The Old Man and the Sea
Well, the image does not do the original story justice but what else am I going to put?Another shot from the scouting mission. I think I am going to need at least a day to re-think my scanning strategy. Not sure if this is before or after I finish all these rolls I have backed up for development.
Can anyone comment on their approach to scanning? I find that dust is a constant issue, followed by flat film and streaks in the film when I scan colour negs.
The Bogey hole
Shot at about 5:55am on the 1st Jan 2010 in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Managed to wake up at 4 and leave at 4:20am. Never actually saw the sun but was lucky enough to get a bit of colour in the clouds before everything went a flat bright colour.My next trip back there will be with a view to achieve something very different.
Edit: July 3 2010.
Click the picture for a bigger version.
For all of you searching for the location click here for the map
Tips: If you go early enough in the morning, ignore the no entry sign and drive right down to the hole. Otherwise it's a real hike. Especially if you are trying to catch the sun. You should be in and out before anyone can catch you. Go during a week day early. The locals like to turn up super early and swim or actually make it the last point of call after a night out. You won't get any pictures then. Be careful. The whole place is really slippery so take your time walking around. The boats on the horizon you can't do anything about. It's a pain but if you don't want them in your shot you're going to have to pick your angles carefully. If you want your picture to have any depth to it like the one above you should use film. Even if you have a pro DSLR (I own a canon 1d mark 3) you won't get the depth and colour. And anyone who says "HDR" as a solution should be shot. If you think you've taken a winner picture post a link to your shot in the comments. I'd love to take a look. Someone should do a great B+W long exposure. But I bet I end up doing this before anyone else (no one likes B+W any more).