Hakone Revisited
Pays to go back through the old shots to find a pic that just needed a bit of attention.
Afternoon light
Afternoon light – Omotesando
I've visited Hakone several times by train and bus and also several times by bicycle. What I didn't realize was that the actual place extends quite far and that there is such a huge variety of places to visit within the area. I'm going to be coming back fairly soon to explore more.
Two shots from the trip. Always good to go in a typhoon. Makes for better sky's :-)
End of summer
Sometimes you have to take this kind of shot just to get it out of your system. Well, I've done it now so I can finally move on. This was shot with a 50mm and an extension tube for those that care for these things. If you are looking for a relaxing escape from the usual over crowded parks of Tokyo you might want to take a look at this one.
Road work
In search of an idea I came across the guy above seemingly counting traffic alone on a Saturday night in the middle of nowhere. Why am I not surprised.
5D mk2 continued...
ok, So I might have over reacted a little when I slammed the camera. It is actually an amazing camera. Takes stunning pictures. Yes, even better that the 1ds mk3 (for $8k!) but it can't focus very well (I say not at all!) in low light / night. Some of you know I shoot events in these situations and also like to shoot the odd night candid photo. Well, seems with the 5D mk2 I was not going to be able to do any of that. It's a day time only kind of camera or night time - no moving subjects and break out the manual focus in certain situations - kind of camera. I.e. not suited to all subjects I am shooting. So, not able to aford or justify buying a 1ds mk3 or paying canon to build a special 5d mk2 for me I've opted to trade back.
I'm mentioning this so as not to kill anyones dreams of the camera being everything they hoped for. I'm sure if you've never shot with a pro camera for a while it will be. But for those that have you'll understand, read this and not learn the expensive way :-)
Expensive fuckup
Well that was an expensive fuckup. Trade the 1d mk3 for a 5d mk2 only to trade back again less than 1 month and less than 300 photos later.Lesson learned. The only reason I did not switch to Nikon is it would have cost me significantly to buy the same setup I have now. And given I make no money taking photographs it seems slightly unjustified. Moral of this story is buy Nikon from the start. Canon had the edge until the D3 then everything changed.