This was shot back in 2008. At least that was when I scanned the neg. Shot on the Horizon Perfekt in a subway I can't remember at a time I don't recall.
I don't use this camera enough.Shot with the Horizon Perfekt.
Kabukicho bar
Jim O’Connell and Dan Buzzo in THE bar in Kabukicho
This is the legendary Jim O’Connell on the right and my good friend Dan Buzzo on the left who spent the evening speaking about the creative muses (was it three or nine?) in the photographers bar (I never remember the name of the place) in Kabukicho. Recommended if you like beer or whiskey, photography and tight spaces.
A trip to Malaysia late last year had me jumping fences in between conferences to shoot these amazing abandoned houses. They can be seen everywhere and are usually locked away behind tall fences. If you find yourself there one day, just go easy while finding your way over the fence and back.
Shibuya panoramic reflections
Inspired by one of Jon's shots (You always give credit. I hate the way people take an idea from somewhere and pretend it's theirs).I thought I'd see what happens when you put your panoramic camera in a puddle while it's raining. I'm going to claim the colour version now before someone rips me off and does it before I've developed my film (like it hasn't already been done a millions times). More to follow at some stage when the film is ready.