
The photographic blog of Sean Wood (aka motionid)

Ume closeup revisited

Japanese advertising photography has this trend of creating a very flat, no contrast image with a very particular blue / grey tone as the background. It's quite a unique style and very particular to Japan I feel.Anyway, in place of actually shooting anything new I thought I would revisit a few of the 100,000+ images that are sitting on my computer and see if anything could be done to an existing image. I failed to replicate the blue / grey tone but felt I came up with something a little different in terms of colour and softness. I'll be thinking more along those lines this spring.

Sakura Polaroid

It seem every year I have to do flower shots. I'm sure I'll do more but this year I ran out of energy. It seems you can only do the same subject for so long before you need a rest.Fitting that I chose to take a break and make the last of these shots a chocolate Polaroid. The colours somehow seem to fit the subject.

Spring Ume archive

So I am finding more and more that I need to sit on new images I make for more than a year before they start to grow on me. This shot is from two years ago and I've finally decided I like it so now it get's posted. I tend to like shots that don't like I've taken them or I need to leave then until I have no attachment at all and I can maybe see them in a different light and have a subjective view of the shot. I've not been shooting much. Busy with work. Lot's of new little updates coming in the following months I hope. Stay tuned.

Nara blossoms


The second shot of the roll that I took with the Holga when I went to Nara. This was the only other shot that worked.I have to say, I do enjoy the Holga's randomness when it comes to focus, colours, tones etc. You've usually either got an instant hit or a complete failure. This, I think was shot with Velvia 100.