Tamagawa - Cold Day
Tamagawa - The Return
Tamagawa -The Road Beyond
Tamagawa - Whoops
After recently moving house and being closer to Tamagawa I've taken to doing a bit of shooting and riding. Unfortunately the only camera I can be bothered to carry more than 20km is my iphone at this point. I plan do a few film shoots but not on exploratory rides. The shot of my head was what happens when you are fumbling with phone, gloves and inner gloves. The order of the images is frustrating me to no end. I need to sit down and fix the bug in the wp theme code but I know it's going to take for ever to track down so I'm living with it for now.
The images were taken at the end of the ride.
My App for choice for shooting with the iphone has to be kitCam. It's by far my favorite photo app. The iphone is also the only other digital camera I own apart from the Pro canon I have. I expect more iphone images to appear here as I attempt to post more often.